Open Modules

Call for Module Submission for the German Longitudinal Environmental Study (GLEN)

The German Longitudinal Environmental Study (GLEN) is a cooperation project launched in 2024 by LMU Munich, RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau, and the University of Leipzig. GLEN is a long-term project funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). As part of GLEN, more than 17,000 respondents from a registration office sample are surveyed several times per year on topics relating to the environment, climate change, politics, health and other aspects. The majority of the survey waves are conducted online.

External researchers from non-commercial research institutions are cordially invited to submit proposals for survey content, which will be implemented in a GLEN online wave. The current call for proposals is projected to be fielded in the second half of 2026.

Guidelines for submissions can be found below .

The deadline for applications is 15.07.2025. Please send submissions by e-mail to

Submission Guidelines

Scientists with a PhD affiliated to a non-commercial research institution in Germany or abroad who are not part of the GLEN team are eligible to submit proposals. Scientists without a doctorate can be co-authors together with at least one postdoc applicant.

The current call for submissions envisages field implementation of the submitted modules in the second half of 2026. The GLEN project management will decide about the exact timing.


Overview of time schedule:

What? When?
Call for Submissions March 2025
Deadline for Submissions 15.07.2025
Initial screening and, if applicable, infor-mation on rejection due to formal reasons or low (panel) suitability 15.08.2025
Review by internal and, if necessary, external reviewers; information on conditional acceptance 15.10.2025
Revision, elaboration and preparation by the authors (e.g., pretests, programming in SoSci Survey) 15.02.2026
Final decision about acceptance 15.03.2026
Field preparation and fielding June–December 2026
Data delivery A raw datafile (submitted modules and other variables) will be made available to the authors in advance approximately 1 month after the end of fieldwork; the data will subsequently be published in the official GLEN release.
Data documentation and field report (technical paper) by the authors 2 months after end of field phase
  • Module proposals must fit into the GLEN survey program, i.e., focus on envi-ronmental and climate issues and related (political) attitudes, inequalities and actions (see the GLEN project proposal for the GLEN objectives). The relevance of using GLEN (instead of other surveys) should be emphasized as well as the general relevance for the research community. Duplication of existing GLEN questionnaire items should be avoided (please contact us if necessary, at the time of publication of this call no official publications of question program and data are available yet).
  • Individual or multiple questionnaire questions suitable for implementation in an online format and covering a maximum of 3 minutes can be submitted. The GLEN team reserves the right to shorten submitted modules. The total survey time allocated to open modules can also be distributed by the GLEN team among several submissions from different researchers.
  • Proposals for longitudinal modules are possible, but the higher demands on survey time should be taken into account.
  • Submissions must adhere to the established standards of survey research with panel data, in particular easy-to-understand questions that do not pose a risk regarding panel conditioning or attrition; e.g., comprehensive information treatments are not suitable. Submissions should follow the GLEN Style Guide for question wording.
  • It is possible to submit individual questions or item batteries as well as more complex experimental modules (e.g. multi-factorial designs / vignette modules).
  • Proposals can be submitted in German or English language, the questionnaire items, however, must be in German. For established scales, the original source should also be submitted.
  • The integration of graphical and multimedia elements is possible to a certain extent, subject to agreement. As this is an online survey, submitters must en-sure that the content can be optimally displayed and answered on all digital end devices (especially smartphones).
  • The authors themselves are responsible for weighing up possible ethical concerns regarding their proposals and, if necessary, obtaining an ethics vote after conditional acceptance. Submissions may be rejected for ethical reasons. Pre-registration should be considered if applicable, especially for experimental designs.
  • Submissions must ensure good documentation of the modules and the reusability of the data by the research community.
  • Only proposals having a non-commercial background can be considered for implementation.
  • Name, affiliations, contact information, and short CVs of the authors
  • A brief description of the theoretical relevance and research gap (including rel-evant literature), research questions and, if applicable, hypotheses (max. 2 pages)
  • Specific presentation of the instruments
  • If applicable, justification as to whether the module should be repeated (and if so, at what intervals and how often)
  • Brief comments on the planned analysis methods
  • Explanations as to whether the instruments have already been pretested (+ results of the pretest if applicable) or in what form this is planned; further comments on instrument quality and author situation
  • Statements on ethical concerns and (planned) preregistrations, if applicable
  • Comments on publication potential and plans, if applicable

First, all submissions are checked for suitability in terms of content and form. If generally fitting into the GLEN panel, they are then assessed by the GLEN team (and, if necessary, by external reviewers). In case of a positive evaluation (conditional ac-ceptance) the authors have four months to further elaborate their drafts, revise them according to the reviews, pretest them, and program them in the survey software SoSci Survey (template is provided). Once this work has been completed and the pre-test reports have been evaluated by the GLEN team, a decision on final acceptance will be made within one month, whereby the GLEN team reserves the right to make the final decision on the acceptance of submissions. The preparation of the modules/items for field use is carried out in close cooperation with the GLEN team.

  • Fit of the proposed content to the GLEN program, i.e. in particular environmental and climate issues and associated (political) attitudes, inequalities and actions
  • Convincing presentation of relevance and contribution to research, in particular theoretical arguments, state of research and gaps in research
  • Degree of innovation and originality
  • Degree of duplications with existing modules/questions/items of the GLEN questionnaire program
  • Adherence to the methodological state of the art regarding question wording; quality of the instruments and pretests
  • Adherence to the above pointed-out formal and content-related criteria
  • Shorter modules (e.g. individual items) have a better chance of being accepted than those that take a long time to complete.

An initial raw datafile (containing the submitted modules and further variables on request) will be available to the authors approximately one month after the end of the field phase; the data will subsequently be published as part of the regular GLEN Scientific Use Files. Successful applicants must document their questions/items/ modules for data publication after the field phase in a technical paper, and in the case of more complex (e.g. experimental) modules, prepare instructions for subsequent use in accordance with GLEN guidelines.

Please feel free to write to us anytime at openmodules@glen-studie or visit the GLEN homepage at

No, the placement of external modules is free of charge.

All information on the open modules, as well as the style guide for formatting the modules, are summarized in PDF documents. You can download them here.
